Changing Perspectives with Education

By Emily Leavitt

July 7, 2023

Changing Perspectives with Education

Everyone is getting ready to be back at school.  Purchasing new clothes, maybe some new trainers, those #2 pencils, maybe some college dorm necessities, however back to school really means more than that.  Students of all ages – from 2 year old preschoolers to the 80 year old getting a diploma, education molds minds and provides a new way of thinking.

I had the privilege of being a college professor for years teaching at an inner city college and my students were all ages from all walks of life.  All classrooms have a similar feel – the students who always raise their hands, the ones that do not say one word the entire semester, the funny students, the students who purposely intimidate others, and the students who genuinely surprise you.  There is always a sense of possibility at the beginning of the semester of reaching students to make an impact.


In the Classroom

Being a professor, I have seen first hand how education changes people’s perspectives, and honestly it is truly remarkable to see the light turn on in their eyes.  It doesn’t happen every class, but when it did – it left an imprint on my heart.  

For example, I was teaching a lesson about interviewing, and how important a first impression is and the important handshake.  I had the women in the classroom raise their hands if a man shook their hand in the wimpy, fingertip handshake.  ALL of them raised their hands.  Then I asked all the women in the classroom to raise their hands if they liked that type of handshake – NO ONE raised their hands.  The men in the classroom were shocked and had lots and lots of questions.  


Another example was when I was teaching a lesson about listening.  We live in a sender-society, meaning that people love sending things out on social media, texting, and talking.  However, listening is 50% of communication and studies show that the more you are actively listening in the day, the more money you will make.  That got a lot of attention in my classrooms, and comments were flying around how they need to learn to listen better.



Learning the Virtual Sales Channel

Education is a fantastic way to learn something new and to change perspectives.  The virtual sales channel is new and as technologies come out to meet the customer demand, educating people on how to sell over that technology will be key.  Only by educating or upskilling will people understand the value of the virtual sales channel, how it can impact a company’s growth, but only if they can change the perspective of how people see it.  


How many excellent chat box experiences have you had?  My guess is probably very few, but the few times you did have a great experience – I bet you want to go back to that website for another and probably told your friends only to be challenged that chat boxes are the worst.  Those companies that get their online chat agents trained on how to communicate effectively in a chat box are changing the perspectives of customers, one customer at a time. 


How many books have been written about how to effectively communicate?  Self help books are there to change your perspective on how to be a better person and communicator.  Communication is more than physically talking with someone, how you present yourself online, how you text, how your company’s brand is consistent, etc.  The virtual sales channel is the new way of communicating, and learning how to navigate it effectively will either provide you a competitive advantage to change some perspectives or you will stay the status quo.


How Conversation Couture Can Help

Conversation Couture understands that moving to an e-commerce space in the retail market can seem daunting at first. Indeed, it’s challenging to maintain customer relationships and brand consistency with all the multi-channel options. That is why we offer certification courses for existing sales associates and managers that are designed, tested and proven to drive greater sales, improve customer engagement, and sustain brand loyalty within a virtual shopping experience. Yes, it can be taught! 

Check out our  Online Learning Center to check out our Certification Courses, or head over to review our  Services and Offerings.