Virtual Sales Training for Luxury Retail Frequently Asked Questions Conversation Couture aims to answer any question you have about our E-learning certification training programs.  Please contact us if you need more information. What is Conversation Couture? Expand Conversation Couture specializes in eLearning for luxury retail sales associates and managers, with a focus on enhancing their…

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The Untapped Online Jewelry Market

Imagine for a moment: You want to buy the perfect gift for your mother, you know she loves jewelry​, ​but you also know how time consuming it will be to go to multiple jewelry stores to find it. You’re unsure about how to go about buying jewelry online. And, honestly it just feels odd to…

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Virtually Selling in the Metaverse

“Metaverse.” Just saying the word, simultaneously creates an atmosphere of wonder and a bit of confusion. It seems like everyone is talking and asking about the metaverse. It’s reminiscent of when the “Internet” emerged in the 1990s and everyone was fascinated and eager to see if Internet Explorer, Netscape, or this other strange word, “Google,”…

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Pivoting Chat Boxes to Boost Online Sales

When did the chat box become that annoying customer service representative that everyone furiously ignores or finds irritating? The chat box is such an amazing opportunity for retailers, especially for those who prefer to do their shopping online!  Luxury is all about the experience, and if your chat box is a bot or you just…

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The Boardroom Versus the Sales Floor

Technology is always advancing. I’m sure many of us can remember when connecting to the internet meant also experiencing that awful, screeching dial-up noise that seemed to last long enough to grab a cup of coffee (and a toasted bagel, depending on your ethernet connection). Today, you can get free Wi-Fi pretty much anywhere. The…

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Why Your Livestream Shopping Event Should Have a Trained Chat Moderator

Livestream shopping is taking the world by storm. Generating the highest conversion rates of any marketing method, the livestream shopping industry has become an almost $500 billion dollar market as brands jump on this new way of connecting with customers. To reap the benefits of livestream shopping for your brand, you need to use a…

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Chat Box Giveaway

Have you ever had a conversation with a chat box and were annoyed or frustrated? Our Chat Box Giveaway provides a free PDF download of the top 10 ways to better engage your customers/clients over chat box. There are also several giveaways within the download including the first lesson in our Chat Box Best Practices…

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Virtual Retail Sales Certification: 5 Reasons to Upskill Now

If you’re a luxury retail sales professional or even if you are a newcomer, you understand that the very foundation for a successful career in the industry is built on developing strong customer relationships.    This is because repeat customers contribute to approximately 70% of luxury retail sales.    Kudos to luxury retailers for their…

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Virtual Experience Giveaway

The luxury online experience begins with how you are communicating with your customers.  The Virtual Experience Giveaway will give you a sneak peek into how to start your process of selling in the virtual sales channel. It will be important to the success of rolling out your virtual in-store experiences, or Live Stream, that your…

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