Why Your Livestream Shopping Event Should Have a Trained Chat Moderator

By Nicolas Bailliache

May 15, 2023

eStreamly Blog

Livestream shopping is taking the world by storm. Generating the highest conversion rates of any marketing method, the livestream shopping industry has become an almost $500 billion dollar market as brands jump on this new way of connecting with customers.

To reap the benefits of livestream shopping for your brand, you need to use a live shopping platform that makes the experience seamless and hire a chat moderator to enhance the livestream event and regulate viewer messages.


What is live shopping?

Livestream shopping – or live shopping – is a live video commerce experience. Live shopping events have hosts that display, demonstrate, and talk about the products featured, and take place on a livestream shopping platform (like eStreamly).

What makes live shopping events unique is that – while viewers watch the stream – they can also buy products displayed in real time, without navigating away from the event.

Livestream viewers can also talk directly to the host and with other attendees via the chat function – this makes a chat moderator an essential component of your live shopping event.


What is a chat moderator?

A livestream chat moderator is someone who reviews and regulates messages that are sent in the livestream chat messaging function.

Since these messages can be viewed by anyone attending the livestream shopping event – and the host – they need to be filtered. This is to get rid of spam messages and ensure that the chat feature is a safe space for the community of viewers, protecting them from ‘trolls’ and cyberbullies and from viewing offensive/unsafe content.

Chat moderators do more than just filter out negative messages. They work to improve the livestream shopping experience for all viewers – as well as the host themselves – by enhancing the atmosphere in the chat.


Why do you need a chat moderator?

There are four main reasons why you’ll want to hire a professional chat moderator to moderate your livestream chat.


(1) Protect viewers from negativity

Sadly, there’s always going to be bad actors online. This means that any instant chat has the potential to become a negative, potentially dangerous space.

Having a chat moderator ensures that this doesn’t happen. By carefully monitoring and regulating the messages allowed to appear in the chat, a livestream shopping event chat moderator can stop anyone seeing offensive content – and ban malicious users from the chat


(2) Protect the reputation of your brand

If a brand becomes associated with having a harmful community and an unsafe chat, that’s a serious dent in your brand reputation.

These things aren’t what makes a customer want to buy from a brand, so they’re more likely to steer clear if you have a negative messaging community with no moderation.

Not only will this affect attendance at your livestream shopping events, but this negative element of your brand experience will seep into your customers’ perception of your brand. This can make them shop elsewhere with a brand they associate more positively.

A negative brand reputation also says bad things to investors and potential brand partners, so you’ll want to do whatever you can to keep your reputation stellar. A chat moderator is an effective way to accomplish this.


(3) Help the host deliver a better show

The host of a live shopping event has a lot of responsibility. As well as displaying, demonstrating, and talking about products, they have to connect with the audience to keep them engaged.

Without a chat moderator, this means hosts have to read the entire chat to answer questions or chat with viewers. Not only is this difficult – and they’re bound to miss questions or conversation points while multi-tasking – but their performance as a host would suffer.

A chat moderator can help summarize the entire chat for the host so that they know the key topics viewers are talking about. This helps them to answer viewers’ burning questions, without sacrificing their attention from product selling.


(4) Liven up the livestream chat

More than filtering and removing negative comments, a professional chat moderator can actively enhance the atmosphere of the chat room. They can make livestream shopping events even more enjoyable for viewers.

A chat moderator may greet live shopping event viewers in the chat and outline any communication guidelines you’ve set, so that viewers know the kinds of things to avoid saying on the chat (or face being banned).

Additionally, a great chat moderator knows how to keep conversation going if there’s a lag. They can set an example by commenting on items shown. They can also spark conversation by asking questions about the livestream that get viewers talking, keeping them engaged with the show.


About the author:

Made in France, based in Atlanta Y’all! Nicolas Bailliache is the co-founder of eStreamly.com, a live and video commerce SaaS platform empowering brands, retailers and creators to engage shoppers and sell seamlessly using the power of shoppable videos. Live is shoppable on your website, blog, emails and across social media. 


How Conversation Couture Can Help

Conversation Couture understands that moving to an e-commerce space in the retail market can seem daunting at first.  That is why we offer certification courses for existing sales associates and managers that are designed, tested and proven to drive greater sales, improve customer engagement, and sustain brand loyalty within a virtual shopping experience, especially livestreaming. Yes, it can be taught! 

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